Tests we perform in our practice


ECG (Electrocardiograph) provides an electrical map of the heart by applying electrodes on the surface of the chest . It is a quick non invasive test that provides information about your heart rhythm, possible coronary artery disease and other structural heart problems.

Stress Echocardiogram

A stress echocardiogram is most commonly performed to diagnose coronary artery disease. It may also also provide information about heart rates and rhythm, heart valve function and pressures in the lung circulation. During a stress echocardiogram, your doctor or cardiac Sonographer will perform an echocardiogram while you are resting and then again after you have exercised on a treadmill. Electrical assessment of the heart with an ECG is made continuously during exercise and for a short recovery period. The benefits and risks of performing this test will be explained to you prior to commencement. A copy of our information and consent form for stress echocardiogram is available below. The ECG and echo images are interpreted directly by your cardiologist and results explained at the end of the study.

Exercise stress test consent

Trans-thoracic Echocardiogram (cardiac ultrasound)

An echocardiogram creates still and moving images of your heart by using an ultrasound probe applied to various positions on the chest wall. The ultrasound wave information is processed by a sophisticated machine (the echo machine) to create a a real time moving picture of your heart, and to evaluate blood flow between heart chambers. The information allows the doctor to identify problems with your heart's structure and function.

Holter Monitor

Patients that experience palpitations, breathlessness or blackouts may have a heart rhythm abnormality. Holter monitoring involves placement of electrodes on the chest wall (similar to a resting ECG) which are connected to a recording device for 24 to 72 hours. This technique has been available for many years and can still provide accurate information over and above newer wearable devices available in the community which can also be helpful in identifying abnormal heart rhythms with basic ECG information. Sometimes prolonged monitoring for several weeks is required which can be arranged from our offices (Heart bug monitoring)

Blood Pressure monitoring

If you or your Doctor are concerned that you may have high blood pressure, we offer 24hr ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. A blood pressure cuff is designed for you to wear whilst you conduct your normal daily activities and inflates periodically automatically over a 24 hour period. Occasionally, blood pressure measurements taken in a Doctor's office or even at home may induce anxiety, resulting in "white coat syndrome" or artificially elevated readings. 24hr blood pressure monitoring can give a more accurate assessment of your day and night-time blood pressure to guide optimal management.